duminică, 18 ianuarie 2009

New development methodologies for the 21st century

Intr-o Duminica plina de amoc, pazind citeva idioate de scripturi carora le ia ore bune sa updateze niste tabele la fel de idioate, intre telefoane disperate de la tot soiul de manageri punind clasica intrebare: "What's the status? si neasteptind raspuns, prin agitatia celor din jurul meu (toata lumea misuna injur ca sint sefi mari prezenti in preajma si da bine sa fii agitat)... Cam asta ar fi environmentul in care, tot browse-uind netul pentru ceva interesant, am gasit in cele din urma un blog post cu exact titlul de mai sus.
Cetesc ce cetesc si e chiar interesant asa ca mai google-esc un pic si gasesc explicatii suplimentare. Si ce sa vezi aproape toate aceste maretze metodologii le aplicam si eu cu succes fara macar sa stiu :)
Asa ca deci ia sa vedem ce se propune pentru secolul cu pricina ca TDD, agile, XP si alte alea sint fumate de mult.

Favorita mea este binenteles ADD, dar trebuie sa recunosc ca in mareatza organizatzie in care lucrez DBD este mult mai folosita, de multe ori impreuna cu GMPM si variante de CYAE. Cum nu stiti ce siint astea?! Iete aci:
Asshole Driven development (ADD) - Any team where the biggest jerk makes all the big decisions is asshole driven development. All wisdom, logic or process goes out the window when Mr. Asshole is in the room, doing whatever idiotic, selfish thing he thinks is best. There may rules and processes, but Mr. A breaks them and people follow anyway.
Cover Your Ass Engineering (CYAE) - The driving force behind most individual efforts is to make sure than when the shit hits the fan, they are not to blame.
Development By Denial (DBD) - Everybody pretends there is a method for what’s being done, and that things are going ok, when in reality, things are a mess and the process is on the floor. The worse things get, the more people depend on their denial of what’s really happening, or their isolation in their own small part of the project, to survive.
Get Me Promoted Methodology (GMPM) - People write code and design things to increase their visibility, satisfy their boss’s whims, and accelerate their path to a raise or the corner office no matter how far outside of stated goals their efforts go. This includes allowing disasters to happen so people can be heroes, writing hacks that look great in the short term but crumble after the individual has moved on, and focusing more on the surface of work than its value.

Alti autori (clasici in viata) elaboreaza despre valoarea si puterea CPDD (Copy&Paste Driven Development) si MDD (Meeting Driven Development). Ce sa mai vorbim de RDD (Resume Driven Development) si despre sindromul NIH (Not Invented Here)?! Oricum un loc de cinste au patternurile CPMP pentru Real Software Engineering.

Asa ca deci, dragi co-clapacitori, daca va aflati vreodata, si o sa va aflati, pazind scripturi/programe idioate care nu fac mare brinza dar dureaza o multime, petrecindu-va weekendul in cimpul muncii, raspunzind la intrebarile managerilor mai mici sau mai mari, daca se agita lumea prea tare in jurul vostru, daca vreuna din astea sau altele mai grave se intimpla deci, faceti-va timp si mai studiati un pic metodologiile de dezvoltare pentru secolul 21.
Pentru ca evident daca treceti prin vreuna din situatiile de mai sus este numai si numai pentru ca nu sinteti la curent cu ultimele progrese in domeniu :D